Welcome to the Patient Hub!

As a new patient of an ophthalmologist who partners with ESA, save time, download, print and fill in the relevant Patient Registration Form, and bring the completed form to your appointment.

CLICK HERE to download the Patient Registration Form.

If you would like an appointment with a specialist that operates from any of ESA’s premises, we recommend you obtain a referral from your optometrist or doctor. The information provided in your referral is invaluable in assessing your eye condition, and as appropriate, ensuring ongoing co-management of your eye health with your referrer.

Non-Weight Bearing Patients

For non-weight bearing patients or patients with mobility restrictions, please contact us prior to your appointment to discuss your requirements.  There are limitations in accessing some diagnostic testing equipment.

What to expect during your visit at Eye Surgery Associates

We advise that you allow at least two hours for your visit; however if specialised tests and/or treatments are required you may be at the clinic for up to three hours.

The procedure for your visit is outlined below:

Following your appointment, a letter will be sent to your referring doctor/optometrist and your general practitioner outlining the tests performed, the diagnosis and any treatment that is required.

Patient FAQ's

Patient Feedback

ESA appreciates all compliments, complaints and suggestions regarding the services offered from our premises.

Please write to us or submit your feedback via the Contact Us form.

We will endeavour to respond to your feedback within 14 days.

If you are dissatisfied with our response, you may contact the Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC).  The HCC responds to complaints about health services and the handling of health information in Victoria.  For further information visit hcc.vic.gov.au or call on 1300 582 113.

Privacy Policy

Please note our Privacy Policy was last updated in March 2024. Click here to read the full policy.